Wednesday 28 August 2013

The Wrestling Club: Hogan Bombs and AJ Lee is TNA bound....oh hang on, thats not right

Is Hogan WWE bound?

To me the signs are all there that the legendary Hulk Hogan is on his way back to WWE in time for Wrestlemania 30 next spring.


It is being widely reported Hulk Hogan’s current TNA contract expires next month and whilst late contract renewals are not uncommon you got to wonder why would either party want a new contract? All in all Hogan in TNA has been a flop; they are not really much more famous, their weekly show Impact hasn’t improved and financially they are at an all-time low. On the other side of the fence, whilst TNA is a nice earner for Hogan no doubt it is not the spotlight he craves. Hogan is Hogan, love him or hate he’s the greatest of all time and is the sort of man that needs to be on the biggest stage possible, TNA is many things but the biggest stage it is most certainly not.

And then there are the signs. Couple of weeks ago a bombshell hit the Wrestling world that Brook Hogan had been released by TNA, that’s right-Hulk Hogan’s very daughter! You can’t imagine him being happy about that unless, of course, he knew he was soon going the same way and was just hanging around to tie up loose ends. Then came the announcement that Hogan would be one of the main stars of WWE’s next video game WWE 2K14 and already is being used for promotion. Now I know the deal he signed is with 2K and not WWE but you telling me 2K and WWE don’t liaison about such things? And then this week, post a gallery of nearly 200 unseen Hogan photos, really?


Better than you

WWE are already starting their drive towards Wrestlemania 30 and when you consider Hogan put Wrestlemania on the map (Yes you read that Shawn Micheals fans) it’s only fitting that he makes an appearance. And I don’t know how much TNA are paying Hogan but I can imagine he could earn a lot more from a 3 month run climaxing in Wrestlemania than he could in a year (or even more) in TNA.


It's happening

AJ Lee Super Diva

The WWE script writers get a lock of stick from the fans for bad continuity, not referencing the past enough, not proper story telling etc. Yet this week on RAW saw one of the cleverest little script tricks that, like most of genius from the E, went right over most people’s head.

Start of RAW, Promo (no,not THE promo of raw, be patient) HHH drops in a line about how Orton took the ring and ran with it(or something to that effect). Now we all know Orton did this bloody years ago and that’s why most people generally agree he’s a great man to have as champion but just over an hour later came the huge talking point from RAW; AJ Lee’s Pipe bomb!


AJ Lee is a class example of somebody who was given a chance and they took it with both hands and just ran, ran and ran. Her promo this week was pretty much as good as what the main event guys chuck out week in, week out. In some ways better because it broke through the fourth wall a little and spoke directly to the fan; there is a reason this is being called the pipe bomb of 2013 and that’s because it’s one of them clever promos where they have taken the general thoughts of internetz fans and put it into a character. Total Divas has been a huge hit for WWE but still there are those sad people who refuse to see it for what it is and have to bemoan the women  (for A. Getting their face on tv and B. following a script. I know-as if them and their boyfriends wouldn’t do the same!)


The thing that really stood out to me was the confidence. When it comes to promos and Divas, confidence is usually the biggest problem; they can’t carry their words with conviction. Even the legendary Trish Stratus was caught drowning in silence on regular occasion. Now of course let’s not all be naïve here; You can bet your bottom dollar the same person who wrote Punk’s pipe bomb was the same person who wrote AJ’s (I mean, you’re not all still believing that Punk just said all of that of the top of his head are you?) so it begs the next question-who is WWE’s ace in the hole promo writer?


But yes back to AJ, is there a better women in the world of wrestling today? Also did you hear the crowd chanting Kaitlyn? When was the last time you heard the crowd care about a women’s feud so much? And wait it gets better-AJ Lee, Kaitlyn…it was a proper slow build feud! Former tag partners turned enemies! Let’s all stop before the internetz has to start praising those ‘useless’ scriptwriters.


#SaveWrestling, Save The Trees and keep it Mr Fight and Write

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